Sunday, October 26, 2008

Obama Supporters Are Anti-American

If you just read the headline you might disagree with me. If you are a liberal you might go into a hysterical tirade. Read on before you make a decision.

As I said a couple of posts back, there are many McCain/Palin signs in my middle class neighborhood and only one Obama/Biden sign.

Today there are a few less McCain/Palin signs. The thieving Obama supporters have struck again. One street has lost ALL of their McCain/Palin signs.

This kind of criminal activity is anti-American. It is contrary to the Constitution of the United States by infringing on other people's right to free speech. If someone was stealing Obama signs I would say the same thing to them.

Let's take a look at some of the activities Obama supporters have been involved in during this election cycle.

  • Stealing McCain/Palin signs
  • Business owners encouraging people to steal McCain/Palin signs
  • Illegally registering voters across the United States
  • Illegally contributing money to the Obama campaign
  • Physically attacking McCain/Palin supporters (not the faker, there are others)
  • Destroying and vandalizing private property
These are Obama's supporters. Is this the man you want in the White House?

P.S. If you steal my McCain/Palin sign and the police can identify you from the dog bite marks on your arms and legs or the surveillance tape, I will prosecute you on every charge we can dredge up. And yes, I do know the prosecuting attorney. He's a Republican.


Anonymous said...

I'm ashamed of all the so-called Americans that support the anti-American known as Barack Hussein Obama. This is the making of a new civil war---this is my house, and it's time to take out the trash.

Red State Conservative said...

While I understand your frustration, I cannot support your comment "it's time to take out the trash." If I have misunderstood what you were saying, I apologize.

People of all colors, races, gender, and even sexual orientation can live in this country harmoniously. The problem is not the average American who works every day to support his/her family. It is the leadership of political parties and organizations that seek to divide this country into groups. I am specifically referring to the Democratic Party, the NAACP, the Rainbow Coalition (Jesse Jackson), the National Action Network (Al Sharpton), etc. These are the people who continually divide us by race and stoke the fires of racial animosity. If it were not for these people and organizations, the race issue would be almost non-existent in our society.

When you used the word "trash", if you were referring to the average black person in this country then I have to say that is wrong. If you were referring to the leadership I spoke about above then you have made a good point.

Anonymous said...

"People of all colors, races, gender, and even sexual orientation can live in this country harmoniously." That is not true. Diversity in EVERY country has failed... Color/Race does matter, what country, state, city, etc. has a black ran that is respectable?? I'm a Detroiter, so lectures on 'equality' mean less than nothing to me.

Ron Paul 2012

Red State Conservative said...

Anonymous - Your comments have a very racist tone to them. I do not believe a person's race or color makes them less American. Being an American is based on a set of beliefs. What we have is a bunch of power hungry people running around telling every minority that the American system doesn't work for them, that they are being cheated. THAT is the problem. Those people need to be exposed for the frauds and liars they are. My neighborhood is primarily white but I do have good neighbors who are black, Asian, and Hispanic. They work hard, teach their children to respect others, take good care of their yards, and are friendly. Why are they less American than I am?

Sarah Palin 2012

Anonymous said...

O, to answer your question: "Why are they less American than I am?" The answer is: Because they hate America! (I am assuming you don't). BTW: I didn't say anything about anyone being "less American", I said anti-American.

The Constitution of the United States of America, is being systematically destroyed.

"What we have is a bunch of power hungry people running around telling every minority that the American system doesn't work for them" Are you serious??? What we have is a bunch of power hungry leftists that run around telling Americans the system doesn't work for them. Whites are forced, starting at childhood, with guilt. Blacks with money get away with MURDER, where a white color crime from a white, puts that person in prison.
I wish I lived in a nice white neighborhood like you, I truly would love to have the feeling of security and safety, like it was here many years ago. Again, don't judge me until you live where I do. The zoo moved in here, I didn't move into it.

Race does matter. Color does matter. Ethnicity and religion matter. Diversity has failed.

Red State Conservative said...

I think everything was summed up in "I wish I lived in a nice white neighborhood like you, I truly would love to have the feeling of security and safety, like it was here many years ago."

I have been to Detroit and I did not feel safe. But then again, I am from a small city in the South where I enjoy relative safety. We feel safe outside at night and occasionally forget to lock our doors. In that respect, I understand how your environment has colored your attitudes (no pun intended).

Where I live there are very few people who hate America. There are liberals here but they are heavily outnumbered by conservative Democrats and Republicans.

I have no doubt large cities are a completely different world. But even so, in a perfect world we would all treat each other equally, regardless of race, skin color, gender, education, etc. I realize we don't live in a perfect world and there will always be some who are jealous of what someone else has or has been able to accomplish.

Again, I believe it is the liberals who stir the pot and generate racial strife for their own gain. It is those people who need to bear the blame and be held accountable.

Anonymous said...

Hi again, its me.

Well I guess your signs worked.

Good luck America, you will need it (an an army of people like me)!

Red State Conservative said...

You know what's funny? Well, it isn't really funny. Someone stole my McCain/Palin sign on Election Day. There were five signs on my street and mine was the only one taken.

I am very disappointed in the election results and concerned about our future. The next four years may be rough. If you need a soldier for that army, let me know.