What's Wrong With This Picture?
What is wrong with this picture?
If you said all of the men were white except one, you would be WRONG!!!!!
If you said all of the men were conservatives except one, you would be WRONG!!!!!
If you said all of the men were liberals except one, you would be WRONG!!!!!
If you said all of the men were experienced leaders before they became president except one, DING DING DING!!!!! YOU WOULD BE RIGHT!!!!!
HaHaHa if you only knew that Lincoln had the same experience as Barack before we voted him in.
So tell me why there is such vitriol directed at Sarah Palin? She has more real experience than both of them.
The similarities between Lincoln and Obama end when the video ends. Lincoln wasn't a big government liberal. This white, Republican president did more for black people than Barack Obama could ever dream of doing. Lincoln freed the black people from oppression and slavery. The Democratic Party has once again enslaved them but this time to the government, i.e., you can't make it on your own without us.
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